The Good Will-Hinckley Heritage Society was created in 1996 to help provide future generations of needy youngsters with the opportunity to call Good Will-Hinckley their home. The Heritage Society recognizes any planned gift which is earmarked to benefit the Good Will-Hinckley program. If you have included Good Will-Hinckley in your estate plans or are interested in learning how you can participate, please contact, Wayne Lobley, VP Development Director, at 207-238-4280 or for more information.
Good Will-Hinckley has indeed been fortunate to have dedicated benefactors supporting our mission for over 100 years with gifts planned for the future. These “planned or deferred gifts” in the form of bequests, trusts, gift annuities, retirement funds, and life insurance policies have lasting impacts on Good Will-Hinckley.
Heritage Society Members
The Heritage Society is composed of individuals and donor couples who are generous visionaries turning their compassion into a bright future for Good Will-Hinckley. There is no minimum or maximum amount to become a member of The Heritage Society, simply a desire to help GWH. Those who make their intentions known during their lifetimes and become members of The Heritage Society, inspire others to follow their leadership.
Members of The Heritage Society are from all walks of life making a difference for the future of Good Will-Hinckley. See the full list of members in the sidebar!
Heritage Society History
The symbol of The Heritage Society is the original roundel, sculpted by Charles D. Hubbard in 1912 and represents Home, Education, Industry, Discipline, Recreation and Religion.
In Rev. Hinckley’s view, a well-rounded boy or girl must have training in all aspects of these basic factors of life. It was his success not only in giving voice to this idea but in actuality working out a laboratory model on Good Will Farm that made him stand so tall with the child welfare experts in his day.
Rev. Hinckley said, “The circle is endless; and whatever comes to pass in the future the influence of Good Will can be nothing less than eternal. Nothing can put an end to influences which have gone forth from this Chapel, from these homes and educational structures.”

How to Join the Heritage Society
To join the Heritage Society you must support GWH in one or more of the following ways. Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts,” because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and GWH.
- Name Good Will-Hinckley in your Will or Trust
- Stocks and Investments
- Retirement Accounts